Absolutely Stunning Illusion of an Underwater Waterfall in .
Picture yourself swimming out in the ocean and then suddenly you are being sucked down into a huge, tumbling underwater waterfall! If you ever visit an island called the Republic of Mauritius, swimming too far out to sea could make this terrifying tall-tale a reality.Well almost, it’s actually only an illusion…but it looks totally real, and not to mention cool! Like a painting created by mother nature herself, the island of Mauritus is located 2,000 kilometers from Africa’s southeast coast, near Madagascar. Just off Mauritius’s coast the amazing waterfall illusion captivates people from all over the world.The reason for the island’s famous waterfall illusion has to do with local sand and silt deposits that flow through the area and fluctuate the color of the water so that it appears like a waterfall heading to who knows where. From the views all around this dreamscape island the waters look cool, but helicopter rides and aerial shots provide the most visually stimulating appeal. To see for yourself, check out these stunning images of the waterfall illusion just off Mauritus island Mauritius.
The underwater waterfall looks so incredibly real it’s hard to
imagine otherwise. Which leaves me to wonder–for how long did
people think it was an underwater waterfall before realizing otherwise? The entire island is on its own time, something that makes
the place all the more enchanting. In a way, this island sort of reminds
me of the most beautiful prankster ever–with her fake underwater
waterfalls and a time zone all her own.
that pan further out of the island show that the entire surrounding
oceans are dotted in numerous colors, ranging from teal, to dark blue,
and white. It’s this incredible color combination that gives a whole new
meaning to water-color paintings.Visuals looking off of the island and out into the waters prove incredible, all of the colors splash together to create a whirlwind of activity and life. The number of underwater coral reefs here continue to grow and flourish, providing divers with an unmatched view of underwater life.
The sand that contributes to the waterfall illusion is pulled by the currents of the ocean all the way from the higher coastal shelf and down into the deeper waters, located further out to sea. As the sand-infused water passes through this break, the illusion of a waterfall is created.
Both Mauritius Island and it’s underwater waterfall are not very old. In fact, the entire island and surrounding waters are very new when considered on geological timescales
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